Cin and Cout in c++

The basic two basic functions that are define in iostream.h are  "cin" and "cout"
cin is used with >> operator because we give input to the program.
cout is used woth << operator because we get ouput using cout<< function.
Mostly begginer used this function , many other alternative function are avilable like getcin(),etc.
but these are easy to use soo here we describle how to use these function.
In every progam int main() is compulsory . with this your program can't do anything.
here you just put it in the rogram . we will more briefly describe function.
now here 
                                    int a;
we posted all the data types in previous post .
 so int is data type (integer) int a means the variable "a" take
 some memory to store any integer in a . we also assian value to a here .
                           int a=5;
now in computer memory a=5 is stored .
cout is used to output the strings or any character written between " and ".
cout also perform arthemtic operation like subtration ,addtion etc . 
General syntax is 
cout << "the result is =" a+b ;
here a and b are defined in computer momery .
                            cin>> verible_name
if we not assian any value to a , then we get value of from  user by using cin function. we can get muliple values of variable by using comma ,. cin>>a,b,c;

  if and else statement is described in previous posts